All tracks uploaded to our system must be saved in WAV or AIF/AIFF format in 16 bit/44.1 kHz, Stereo.
DO NOT upload mp3 files as they will be rejected by the system.
Make sure any samples, loops or other elements that are not your own work are appropriately licensed for commercial use before uploading any files to our system.
Remember, you are legally responsible for the tracks you submit.
Infringement of intellectual property will not be tolerated and may result in your file being removed and your account permanently disabled.
When naming your track, make sure you capitalize the first letter in each word.
Small words like “of” and “an” may be lowercase. Your MAIN track should be named as follows:
Track-Name. wav
In the “Name” field – only enter the main track’s name.
Cut-down versions of the main file should be named according to their duration, for example:
Looped files should be named according to their duration, and be marked as looped, for example:
Stem files should be named according to the stem type, for example:
Note: Cut-downs, looped and stem files will be uploaded in the next section’s “Upload audio files”
For more information on naming best practices, click here.
Add a short description of the track, its genre, mood and instruments used in it. This is the short description of the track that will show up when a buyer expands the track information, or visits the track page. Be as accurate as possible. Do not add tags / keywords in this field. you will have a chance to do so later in the form.
Note: Before uploading your files, you MUST complete your profile by filling all mandatory fields in the Personal Information Page.
Click the orange button to browse, and choose the main track file.
Optional – upload cut-down and looped versions of the main track, named as per the instructions above. You can select and upload multiple files here.
Optional – upload stem files of the main track. These could be bassline stems, drums, guitar stems, etc. You can select and upload multiple files here.
In this section you can describe every aspect of the track you have uploaded. To ensure that your track is approved and to provide the best user experience for potential buyers, please make sure you provide the most accurate and detailed information about your track.
In this section you can select the genre/s that apply to your track. You can select up to three (3) genres per track.
From the popup, select the mood or moods that correspond with the track. Choose up to three (3) moods per track.
Select all the instruments that were used to create the track.
Some tracks introduce a dynamic build-up (crescendo) leading to a peak. Other tracks stay steady throughout their duration. Select the right option for your track.
In this section you can select what type of vocals (if any) your track contains: A Capella, background vocals, choral, female or male vocals.
Enter the BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the track.
Enter the time signature of the track.
Enter the key signature of the track.
Tags are single-word keywords you can use to describe your track. You can use up to 20 tags per track
In this section we ask that you provide information relating to the monetization of the track.
As a contributor to Audio Buzz’s royalty-free music library, we do not require that you upload tracks to our library exclusively, so you can upload tracks you already have in other libraries.
However, we do encourage exclusivity by compensating you with higher commissions for the sale of exclusive tracks.
Currently your commission for tracks sold exclusively on Audio Buzz is 50%, while non-exclusive tracks will award you with 35%.
If you use a Content ID system to identify and manage your copyrighted content on YouTube, please select “Yes” here. You will be required to specify the platform you registered your music with (e.g. AdRev, TuneCore, Audiam, etc.)
After having filled the track’s information fields, you’ll be asked to save it to the system.
Please note the track is not automatically sent for review. You will have a chance to edit its information after having saved it. Once satisfied, you will be able to submit it for review.
In this free-text field, you can provide additional information to the reviewer. For example, if you modified your track after it was rejected, or any other comments you feel are relevant in this section.
At the very end of the process, you will be asked to confirm that you are the sole owner of the track’s copyrights, and that any 3rd party elements such as loops, samples, vocals, etc. have been licensed for commercial use before being offered for sale on Audio Buzz’s royalty-free music library.
If all looks kosher, just check the “I Agree” checkbox and click the “SAVE TRACK INFO” button at the bottom.
The track and its information will then be saved to the system.
From that point, you will be directed to the Tracks for Sale page, where you will be able to either edit the track or submit it for review.
Have questions?
Send us a message and tell us what’s on your mind.
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